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The difference between photovoltaic cables and ordinary cables
update:2021-10-04 15:24:50 click count:88

Photovoltaic cables are constantly exposed to sunlight and solar systems are often used under harsh environmental conditions such as high temperatures and UV radiation. In Europe, sunny days can lead to solar system site temperatures of up to 100°C. At present, the various materials we can use are PVC, rubber, TPE and high-quality cross-link materials, but unfortunately, even a rubber cable rated at 90°C is a PVC cable rated at 70°C. None of them are suitable for the harsh environment encountered by special photovoltaic cables.

  What is the difference between photovoltaic cables and ordinary cables?

  The composition of this type of cable is similar to that of other cables, including conductors, insulating layers, sheaths, and necessary fillers. The characteristics of photovoltaic cables are determined by their special insulation and sheath materials for cables, which we call cross-linked PE. After being irradiated by an irradiation accelerator, the molecular structure of the cable material will change, thereby providing various aspects of its performance. .

  During installation and maintenance, cables can be routed over sharp edges of roof structures while cables must withstand compression, bending, tension, cross-tension loads, and severe impacts. If the cable sheath is not strong enough, the cable insulation will be severely damaged, affecting the service life of the entire cable or causing problems such as short circuits, fire and personal injury hazards.

  Materials cross-linked by radiation have high mechanical strength. The cross-linking process changes the chemical structure of the polymer, the meltable thermoplastic material is converted into a non-meltable elastomeric material, and the cross-linking radiation significantly improves the thermal, mechanical and chemical properties of the cable insulation.

   It is necessary to use special photovoltaic cables for photovoltaic projects.

PV1-F photovoltaic cable, this product is based on 2PfG1169, suitable for single-core flexible cables (wires) with a maximum allowable 1.8kV (core-to-core, non-grounded system) DC voltage, used on the DC side of photovoltaic systems, this product is suitable for Used under the second safety level, the ambient temperature of the cable operation is up to 90°C, and multiple cables can be used in parallel.

   Using Features

  1. Voltage level AC: 0.6/1kV, DC1.8kV;

  2. Allowable working voltage (AC) 0.7/1.2kV, allowing working voltage (DC) 0.9/1.8kV;

  3. Ambient temperature -40 to +120°C (mobile or fixed);

  4. The finished product not only has excellent weather resistance, UV and ozone erosion resistance, but also can withstand a wider range of temperature changes (-40 to 120 ° C), has excellent penetration resistance, and its performance meets 2PfG1169;

  5. The product has obtained TUV certification.

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